Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Project Background

The Ghana Project is an ongoing collaboration between the University of North Florida School of Engineering, UNF Honors Program, and the UNF Chapter of Engineers without Borders – USA (EWB-UNF).

The Ghana Project was initially started as a UNF Honors Program Transformational Learning Opportunity (TLO) in 2001 as a biennial interdisciplinary service learning trip. The sole purpose of the TLO is to  expose students to the culture and people of another country through service and experiential learning exercises. In 2007 an construction component was added to the existing UNF’s Honors Program trip. The team installed a rainwater collection polytank. 
In 2008 a project assessment trip was conducted to evaluate the existing conditions at the Tamale Children’s  Home to determine suitable projects for future improvements. These improvements were implemented in 2009. They included installing greywater  infiltration pit, pouring new concrete slab foundations for existing polytanks, installation of screening to protect from mosquitoes in the summer hut play area, and redesign/reconstruction of the drinking water system.
In 2010, another project assessment trip was conducted to identify suitable projects for the 2011 team.

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