Tuesday, January 11, 2011

GHANA: Background Information

Ghana, the former British colony known as the Gold Coast, is located on the coast of West Africa. Ghana was the first nation in sub-Saharan Africa to achieve independence from colonial rule in 1957.
Shortly after independence, the Republic of Ghana experienced great economic success, within a decade Ghana had the highest GNP on the continent. This young county was emerging as an economic power on the content, until the late 1970’s; Ghana suffered an economic crisis followed by the trauma of military takeovers.
In 1992 Ghana hosted its first democratic election, after which they launched one of the first and most stringent economic recovery programs in the region. Despite being the second least failed country on the continent, Ghana is still experiencing major economic hardship. It has a national debt of over seven billion dollars and the average annual income is about $360 per capita.
Ghana has a population of about 24 million and an annual growth rate of 1.9%.  The majority of Ghanaians live in Accra the capital which is located on the coast. Tamale, the location of the project, is the capital of the northern region and the third largest city in Ghana with a total population of 428,000. The average annual income in Ghana is approximately $400 per capita. Comparatively, the average income in Tamale is about 25 cents a day which equates to around $85 per year.

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